Who is the Badass Bunny Rescuer?

woman and bunny kissing

Hi. I’m Thea Harting.

I’m passionate about demystifying rabbit behavior and body language. I believe every rabbit is an individual with unique needs. I offer personalized guidance and practical strategies for successful rabbit bonding.

It all began in 2002 when I adopted Imelda Marcos, a helicopter English spot who quickly became the center of my life. I was determined to make her happy and improve her well-being. There was no turning back: I’d turned into a rabbit person. From then on, my home would always be covered in stray hay, I'd constantly worry about gut stasis, and I'd never get a rental deposit returned.

Fast forward a few years as I tried to bond my widowed bunny Lulu to Bruno, an elder gentleman from the shelter. It did not go as expected. My mild-mannered girl turned spicy. I was bewildered and stressed out. If rabbits are happier in pairs, why was bonding so hard? How do I create neutral space in a tiny Brooklyn, NY, apartment? What if they never bond? When can I have my life and my home back? My obsessive online research provided conflicting opinions. I wondered: How do we know what we know about rabbit behavior and bonding, and why do we give the advice we do? And that’s where the real journey began. (Spoiler alert: Lulu and Bruno eventually bonded.)

In the time since, I’ve worked with over 1000 rabbits and spent 12+ years volunteering and fostering with rabbit rescues and my local shelter. Each rabbit and person I work with teaches me something new. I’ve absorbed myself in continuing education and professional development, taking many courses, mentoring, networking, and challenging myself to develop expertise in the most progressive, humane bonding techniques. Throughout, my passion has been facilitating speed dates and providing support for challenging bonding cases. Most of all, I love rabbit people.

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