woman holding a grey rabbit

About Thea Harting, Rabbit Behavior Consultant

Thea Harting (she/her), also known as the Badass Bunny Rescuer,  is a rabbit behavior consultant based in Brooklyn, NY. 

Thea is passionate about improving companion rabbit well-being and welfare. Her areas of focus include pair bonding, enrichment, low-stress handling techniques, and cooperative care. She is committed to a Least Inhibitive, Functionally Effective (LIFE) approach to behavior modification and training.  Using science and ethics, Thea solves behavior problems, improves resilience to stress, and empowers rabbits with a sense of agency in their daily lives.

Thea has lived with rabbits for over 20 years, has hands-on experience with over 1000 rabbits, and has been an active volunteer with shelters and rescue organizations for over a decade. Her favorite volunteer activity is facilitating rabbit “speed dates” to determine partner compatibility. Her approach to rabbit bonding emphasizes agency and mutual consent. 

Thea teaches the course Empowering Your Rabbit: Modern Training for Rabbits and the Humans Who Love Them for Tromplo.

Featured in:

Continuing Education: 

  • PETPro mentorship with Emily Strong, 2023-present

  • Living and Learning with Animals with Susan Friedman, PhD

  • The Impact of Stress on Behavior with Kristina Spaulding, PhD, CAAB

  • Fundamentals of Ethology with Kristina Spaulding, PhD, CAAB

  • Fundamentals of Animal Behavior and Learning with JoAnna Platzer, PhD & Erica Feuerbacher, PhD. 

Professional Affiliations: